Sunday 29 April 2012

My Hero

سم الله الر حمن الر حيم
اسلام عليكم
 This is an update for 'The Writter Page''
 what I want to share is a little stories of my dad.. Why he inspired my life and become My True Hero..............

This man was my dad. Mohd Asri Bin Hashim or people in our village called him as ''Cikgu Asri". Born as the youngest son from 7 sibling is a normal farmer family. While others sibling continue our grandparents occupation as paddy planter. He had a motivation to have a better future. While others goes to 'bendang' planting paddy, drive the harvest and plough  machine, he carry heave books walking from village in Kodiang to Arau every day for islamic schools. The distance is about 8km by using the paddy roads...

Just imagine during raining day or during paddy harvest season, that will make it more difficult. He use that roads every days as it was the shortest way rather than main roads.

Education needs money right? Since governments doesn't give 'biasiswa' to kids that more than 3 in family, So he never got that chances. What he do is, he works like other of his brother. He go to paddy field taking the 'upah' from people for his own pocket money for education. He is not a smart students, in fact he repeat SPM twice because he couldn't manage her times with work and studies. But he work hard for both at last after school he manage to enter Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok for persuading her studies in economy.  

He dislike reading, he only prefer calculation and formulas, and he think that was the best for him. Another fact is he also good in religious thing, He can be the Imam in our village Surau or event lead the Majlis Yasin/Doa Selamat. After graduated, he doesn't get any jobs at all so, he apply as bank officer in Kangar. After one year working there as bank officer, he apply for KPLI. At last he was graduated as a teacher. First school he attend was in Taiping, soon he come back to Perlis and marriage with my mother. After persuading his Master in economy, he finally graduated and now still working as Lecture of economic in Perlis Matriculation College.

He is my inspired person in my life.. From ZERO to HERO, from NOTHING to EVERY THINGS... Thank You Dad for all of your effort to raised me up, what your son want to say is I LOVE YOU DAD!

1 comment:

  1. BW here...
    nice entry to dedicate to u'r dad.. =)
